Private Coaching 

with Dr. Vernita Glenn-White


  •  STUCK or like you’re going through the motions? – unable to get to that next level professionally or personally!
  •  Like you’re MEANT FOR so much MORE but you haven’t been showing up at your highest level?

  • CALLED to GREATNESS? But have no idea what steps you need to take to make it happen? 


  • To V.I.B.E? {Vibrate higher in Influence/Impact/Income, Brilliance & Excellence}?


  • To UNLOCK, UNLEASH, and UNBLOCK that “thing” that’s keeping you from breaking your personal glass ceiling?


  •  For MASSIVE EXPANSION in ALL the areas of your life, (not just career and general “life”)?



Are you ready to work with a 

high-level strategic coach

who has:

  • Transformed her life from being depressed on her grandmother’s couch to go going after goals and dreams that were forgotten?
    • Helped others reach goals they thought were impossible?
    • Empowered others to use their voice to become more powerful in their careers and business?
    • Taught others how to unpack “life” and create strategies to become the best version of themselves?
    • Shown others what’s possible in so many ways? 

    Have you decided that one day you will work 1:1 with Dr. Vernita Glenn-White?

    Well…now is the time.

    You are here on PURPOSE & on TIME.

    You are here to transform your life and make a difference in the lives of others.

    ”Behind every successful person is another successful person who is reminding them of their Brilliance"

    I understand the feeling and the weight of that level of responsibility. 


    When I started my intentional personal growth journey in late 2018, I decided that I couldn’t stay where I was and another degree wasn’t going to solve this problem.

    I knew that I had to literally transform who I was and walk towards the woman I was becoming to show myself what was possible. I also wanted to show people what was possible for their lives; especially those who had achieved so much professionally like I did.

    (You have way more  to offer than what you do in your career or business.)

    We have way more to offer than what we do in our careers/Businesses

    This has been the driving force behind my role as an educator, digital entrepreneur, and coach: from branching out of academia to being visible on social media, to transferring my skills from a traditional professor to creating my own courses and programs, to speaking on platforms with thousands of people and most importantly to working with my clients as I help them UP-LEVEL their lives to be the BEST versions of who they BE!

    The Best Coaches are the best Students

    Life-Long Learner

    I have figured a lot of things out, so you don’t have to. Bold huh? Well I have learned from some of the best in the transformation/personal development industry and I have DONE THE WORK and I still DO THE WORK!

    It’s my life’s work to teach and guide women just like you how to get to their next level…and the work starts now!

    I trained intensely to be an expert in the STEM Education and Leadership Industry and I am taking that same approach in the Personal Growth/ Self-Expansion industry.

    In 2022 I continued to expand and now I am a Certified and Credentialed Transformational Coach.   

    What Others Say


    I've always had a desire to start my own consulting business but something was blocking me. I needed to get clear on who what I wanted to serve and how I wanted to serve them. I also discovered that something that happened in my "professional past" was impacting my personal life with my family and why I kept feeling the need to prove myself at work. Talking through that experience was a game changer.

    Dr. DeShawn C. 

     / Education Consultant & Project Manager


    I was already an accomplished person prior to working with Dr. V. I was a successful nurse, the CEO of my own publishing company and e-commerce business, and author of 11 books. However, I knew something was missing. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. After working through this process with Dr. V I have found my true purpose and calling for the next season of my life. The answer was always in front of me but I needed someone who could see beyond my accomplishments and challenge me to see more for myself. I have been on fire ever since.

    Sheniqua J. RN

    / Wellness Expert, Speaker, Author, Coach


    I've always invested in my professional development through conferences and workshops but never thought about investing in my personal development. I read self-help books and watched videos but I knew I needed something on a deeper level. I was struggling with some professional decisions about my next level and I knew that I wanted to do more than being a professor. Dr. V helped me get clear on starting my business, writing my book and realizing my calling to mentor young girls.  I was so focused on my career that I forgot about all the other gifts I had to offer. 

    Dr. Kim H.

    / College Professor & Speech Consultant

    Together We Will:

    Get clear on your desires, learn to honor them, and strategize how to make it happen.

    Get confident on your calling for your current season (yes, it can change).

    Realize your greatest potential and play FULL out while attracting more opportunities for advancement.

    Adopt and fill in all the abundant mindset gaps that are holding you back from V.i.i.B.E(ing).

    Strategize and execute your dream life 90 Days or 6 months to 1, 3, 5, or 10 years out. (Don’t be scared :-) ).

    Transform your life to include ease and flow of quality time with loved ones, personal time for growth, and passion-centered time to skyrocket your wealth or build your career/business.

    Celebrate!!! Because, look at what you are about to do! YAY!

    Working 1-on-1 Looks Like

    Pathway to Possibilities™  is designed to give you, the powerful professional, leader and life changer, the  framework to help you cultivate the life you desire and help you reach your next level in life. After all, you deserve to be where you want to be. 

    We limit space to just 10 people at a time in this exclusive experience.

    • Brilliant Identity Assessment - (value $997)
      This in-depth assessment is designed to help you learn more about yourself and get clear on who you are and what you truly desire. This assessment helps you to either start answering the question "why am I here?" or "what's next for me?". You’ll complete this before getting started to get you crystal clear on what gaping holes need to be addressed first in your Power Pentagon, and over the course of your Path to Possibilities™ experience.
    • Brilliant Vision Mapping Session with Dr. Vernita (value $9997)
      The jump-start intensive session will give you the clarity, courage and direction you need for the upcoming experience and beyond. You will have a one-on-one intensive strategy session with Dr. V to plan your entire year (or a shorter block of time) and create solutions using systems and leveraging best practices. This will set you up for a successful experience. 
    • Live 50-Minute Video or Phone Strategy Sessions (value $1,997/session)
      You receive a 50-minute video strategy sessions..
    • Power Check-In Sessions (value $750/session)
      You receive video or phone self-ownership sessions to monitor your progress with support each month.
    • "Brilliant Quickies" - Email Access (value $2497)
      As you start to up-level and expand your life, things come up and you will have "QUICK" questions where you need advice about an opportunity on the job, how to handle a conversation, or how to navigate through complex situation. These quick text chats give you keen as-you-go insight.
    • "Continued support and Inspiration   (value priceless)
      You will have me to support you with feedback, resources, affirmations, inspiration and so much more...this is a customizable partnership.

    Inner Circle Access:

    A digital  gift package from my Like-Minded Inner Circle to open the doors of Expansion. Gain access to masterclasses and strategy sessions including but not limited to: 

    1. Publishing your book,  
    2. Digital/Media content creation,
    3. Parental support,
    4. Speaking,
    5. Health & Wellness and more...

    Value : $10,500


    Let's Get Real 

    A moment with Dr. V :

    You will never be more supported than in this experience – I mean, you have a strategic life coach on tap! You will never not have access to clarity and direction. The framework and process will:

    1. Allow you to show up fully for you.

    2. Empower you to empower yourself.

    4. Provide you with strategies for your toolkit. 

    5. Unblock your brain and help you bring your most genius ideas to life.

    You will:

    • Learn how to energetically align with your purpose and assignment. 
    • Attract the opportunities you desire
    • Gain the steps to usher you into your next level of life, career, business, influence, impact, and more!

    However, YOU have to take the first step and bet on YOU!

    For legal reasons, I cannot guarantee results. 

    However, I do believe you can achieve any result you Truly want!

    And I am more than happy to share examples of results other clients have experienced while doing this same work.

    Here are some Client Results

    They Have:

    • Streamlined their business backend systems with more structure  
    • Enrolled  4-figure clients in minutes with ease
    • Learned how to turn inward to and listen to their bodies to protect their mental health and wellness without being triggered. 
    • Written and published books in 90 days 
    • Completed full dissertations in weeks
    • Found their voice in the professional space and created more opportunities
    • Become parallelpreneurs (started business in addition to their main career) 
    •  Changed jobs that are more in aligned to their core values and beliefs
    • Learned how to optimize their time to build more freedom
    • Discovered new artistic interests and created a plan to explore them. 
    • Reconnected with their bodies to maximize their health and wellness
    • Confronted and healed their relationship with money and started saving more
    • Started speaking more in public
    • Rebranded their business and gained new opportunities

    Dr. Vernita Glenn-White

    More About Me

    Hi, I am Dr. Vernita Glenn-White, a Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education and I have four other degrees ranging from mathematics, to leadership, to technology. I have conducted workshops and talks at national professional conferences, worked as a consultant with large school districts, enjoyed traveling to some amazing places, worked on various projects for my community, and attended some amazing happy hours with friends.

    " It was easy to look good on paper and show up in my heels while operating on autopilot feeling like I was wearing PJs and bunny slippers on the inside."

    Dr. Vernita


    Guess what! I did majority of those things depressed, anxious, and with low self-confidence. I was a master at showing up for the performance then shrinking into a cave of darkness when it was all over. I constantly doubted myself, I lacked confidence in many areas, and felt unworthy of the things I had accomplished. Yet, I still pushed myself for more accolades and praise.

    Then one day, the applause and the praise didn’t feel good anymore. I started to admit to myself that the attention from others wasn’t good enough and it didn’t fill the hole in my heart, my soul.  There was no more outer work to be done. I knew I had to turn inward and embrace the same level of GRIT I had during my doctoral process and apply it to my personal expansion journey. My journey for connection to myself and for MORE in life!

    After doing some intense work and investing in myself, I can truly say that my life has been so much better! I’ve been able to maximize all those things I had accomplished before but from a more accepting, confident, and grateful place of loving myself. I learned how to separate who I BE at my core from any degrees, position or title. Whew! How freeing is that. I’ve also written two personal books, spoken to over 118,000 people in the virtual space, started two more streams of income, joined circles with multi-millionaires, and expanded my view of a truly abundant life.

    I get to spend my days creating, coaching, teaching, running the streets with my grandmother, taking care of my fur baby Kohl, being an example to my little sister, and working with some of the most brilliant people on the planet. Every day is different and I am loving my life.

    I want the same for you in whatever way resonates with you. That’s the beauty of being unique. Our days can be totally different but we both can enjoy full abundant lives.

    The Good News

    I do want to mention that I’m not extraordinary. If you remember, I earned the highest degree possible but still felt trapped, insecure, and living below my brilliance. This has nothing to do with skillset. I simply decided and DID THE WORK to change the trajectory of my life. That’s GREAT news for you because you can LEARN how to literally do the same thing.

    Here’s the beauty of private coaching. While there is an overarching framework I use, you get access to everything I have access to. I don’t believe in holding back because I don’t want to hold back the person or the people YOU were meant to impact!  

    Let's Make It Happen!


    Customized Services

    The investment for partnering with me at this level includes premium high-end, direct support for 10-months. The starting investment is $20,000 when paid in full with bonuses.  

    Installments are available.

    Get started NOW for $2,200

    One sentence summary of what they get.


    Not Ready for Private Coaching?

     Need More Options?

    I know that private coaching for an extended period of time can be a huge commitment ...


    Click Here to Chat with Dr. V


    Still scrolling? If so, then you probably feel the urge to apply. You're probably feeling butterflies or a knot in your stomach. It could be fear and I get that. Here's the truth, it's not really fear. It's more about stepping into the unknown. But you've actually done that before.

    I know this is a significant investment. You're also probably thinking about the time commitment as well. You are worthy of committing to YOURSELF. 

    Let's turn fear into excitement 

    A final message from Dr. V

    DO NOT let your current circumstances or reality be your decision maker.

    DO NOT let those things be the stop sign - you have done that long enough.

    It is not my job to sell you or convince you. It IS my job to offer a solution and help you decide with a clear yes or clear no.

    I truly believe that if you desire it - then it is meant to be. 

    Your soul knows. I know this from personal experience.


    What does your heart and soul say?

    How would your soul feel if you had all of the support you needed to expand and embrace your brilliance?

    How would you feel if you woke up every day to the life and career you truly loved? The one that YOU created?

    What would it feel like if your life's work was fueled by your passion, purpose, and calling?

    Did you allow yourself to dream? Those feelings are REAL!

    Allow yourself to feel them.

    Allow yourself to trust them.

    Allow yourself to decide based on a heart decision instead of a head decision. 

    I KNOW it's scary. Totally normal.

    You are allowed to be afraid.

    However, you are NOT allowed to stay stuck by NOT making a decision. I won't let you do that. 

    SO, take a deep breathe, grab my virtual hand and jump. Let's do this together!

    Give Yourself the Gift of a Conversation.

    © 2025, Glenn-White Global Solution    I