Welcome to the online video and audio clips for the School of Brilliance© where we are on a mission to help 1 Billion people Embrace their Brilliance, Expand their Lives and Explore more Possibilities.

Grab your guide for the Brilliant Possibilities Sequence to follow along.

Task 30 -Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 29 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 28 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 27 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 26 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 25 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 24 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 23 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 22 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 21 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 20 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 19 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 18 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 17 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 16 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Task 15 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!

Ways, I can support you:
- Check out my complimentary resources .
- Join or learn more about my Power Up Your Possibilities membership.
- Grab a copy of my latest book Embracing Grit for Greatness.
I know you have goals and dreams. Take a moment and assess if you made a “settled" or “stretched” goal. Brilliant people can make goals that appear like they are reaching for more but in reality, they are low hanging fruit. What’s keeping you from reaching towards what’s possible instead of what’s practical?
Tasks 1-14 - Remember to download the 30 Action Items to Tap into Your Possibilities above!
VIDEO #1. How Hire a Life Coach
In this video, you'll discover six (6) things to look for when considering hiring your first or next life coach.
- READ their website, not just what they put on social media.
- WATCH videos on YouTube or lives on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.
- SIGN UP for a free call that focuses on a sample session not just an upsell
- ATTEND a challenge or some event to get a feel of their teaching/coaching style
- GO for the highest level of support possible if you can (don’t always settle for the free)
- SEE what their life was like BEFORE they became a coach. Many of them were successful in their careers or other businesses and they will be again.
Ways, I can support you:
- Get my complimentary life class -
- Schedule a call to see if you're ready for a 1:1 experience (intensive, 6-month, or yearly)
- Join the waitlist or learn more about my membership.
- Grab a copy of my latest book
VIDEO #1. How Hire a Life Coach
In this video, you'll discover six (6) things to look for when considering hiring your first or next life coach.
- READ their website, not just what they put on social media.
- WATCH videos on YouTube or lives on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.
- SIGN UP for a free call that focuses on a sample session not just an upsell
- ATTEND a challenge or some event to get a feel of their teaching/coaching style
- GO for the highest level of support possible if you can (don’t always settle for the free)
- SEE what their life was like BEFORE they became a coach. Many of them were successful in their careers or other businesses and they will be again.
Ways, I can support you:
- Get my complimentary life class -
- Schedule a call to see if you're ready for a 1:1 experience (intensive, 6-month, or yearly)
- Join the waitlist or learn more about my membership.
- Grab a copy of my latest book
VIDEO #2. How to Deal with Grief - Years Later
When someone dies, people say that time heals all wounds, but that’s not true.
My steps on how to deal with grief years later :
- Know the stages of grief that you’re in but don't judge yourself
- Lean into good memories of the person (or object/career/relationship)
- Release any ill will of yourself or the person (sometimes things creep up that have been buried for years)
- Give yourself space to feel the emotion. If you need to cry, cry, if you're feeling like you want to be alone do but don't wallow in it. Your body needs to know that you can honor the feeling and get out of it.
- See a therapist if you didn’t do this early on or get a life coach if you find yourself having blocks with your goals or other areas of your life.
- Live your life on your terms and do things outside of your comfort zone to create new memories.
- Talk to people about memories but not in a pity way and don't feel like a burden to people. People want to cheer you up and help you but they have to be invited in. Don't assume people know that you need them.
VIDEO #3. How to Set Goals Ep. 1
There are so many ways to start the goal setting process for your BHAG (big hairy audacious goal).
I have a detailed way I do this with my clients. However, before we start, I let them know these things: They have to have the courage to
- Be honest with what they want and have the courage to actually say it out loud.
- Talk about it all the time - Overthinkers and higher achievers think that our work should speak for itself but that’s not true.
- Trust others when sharing their goals
- Ask for support and feel worthy of the support
- Show up and do the work even if it’s something you’ve never done before
VIDEO #4. How to Set Goals Ep. 2
In this video I challenge you to tell the truth about why you haven't accomplished your secret BHAG (big hairy audacious goal).
Here are 5 things to consider:
- Be honest: Do you still want the goal?
- What has been holding you back? You may not have all the answers but you know something. This is where a coach/advisor can support you.
- After the negative head chatter is cleared up then you have to decide to show up for your goal from your future self.
- Now it’s time to think through the details of your plan. I know a lot of gurus say not to focus on the how but that’s in the beginning, you HAVE to have a how to know what steps to take and how to build your daily routines. It’s the daily habits that accomplish goals, not having the goals posted on a vision board or in a planner.
- Be consistent at least 85% of the time.
VIDEO #5. How to Set Goals Ep. 3
Here are five (5) tips to keep you on track beyond the 30 to 90 day slump (unless you set out to achieve a goal within that time frame).
Chart out the benchmarks so you can see how far you have to go - think of the plan of study or the syllabus in college .
Physically mark off what you do everyday.
Celebrate yourself with mini accomplishments to acknowledge that you are still making progress. The brain likes rewards but waiting until the end is too late. Your celebrations don't have to be fancy unless you want them to be!
Find an accountability partner, a mastermind community or a coach. Something that will make you showcase your results periodically. Again think of school when you had to show homework or take a test.
Remember that you've accomplished long-term goals before…One more time, think about school or the journey to a promotion.
VIDEO #6. How to Set Goals Ep. 4
There are 9 ways to flex your resiliency muscle. I talk more about other strategies in my book Embracing Grit for Greatness. Here are 4 of my favorite bounce back tips.
Faith-in-self muscle. You may believe in your goal but do you believe that YOU will accomplish the goal?
Know-like-you-know muscle - there will be times when it feels like the goal isn't progressing or it doesn't make sense and people question you…or you question yourself. You have to know like you know like you that this is what you were meant to do and believe that God has created a universe that will support you. You also have to know that He will course- correct the goal when needed.
Say-Yes muscles - there is opportunity all around us that support our goals but you have to say yes when you get inspired action and divine downloads. Another way to think of the say-yes muscle is that when you say Y.E.S - your experience shifts (courtesy of Marshawn Evans Daniels).
Highest-choice muscle - know when to say no to distractions and choose activities and tasks from your future self versus your current reality
VIDEO #7. How to Set Goals Ep. 5
Here is my advice on how to create your perfect week for YOU and how to set yourself up for success.
You showcase your progress not to brag, instead it helps to:
- KEEP you accountable to yourself for yourself
- GET the support and encouragement from others (we all like a little applause).
- SHOW yourself that you can accomplish what you thought was impossible and have made significant progress towards the impossible requirements.
- CREATE affirmations for yourself to make sure that negative self-talk doesn't get loud cause you to doubt yourself.
Remember, you’ve done what you used to think was impossible before and now it's time to transfer those skills and that energy to other areas of your life.
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