Dear Game changer, Mover and Shaker: 

You have the positions, titles, credentials and degrees. You’ve done all the things and you’ve done pretty well for yourself. 

You’re already Good. You’re already Great. Now it’s time to be Phenomenal.


Are You Ready To:

Are you ready to:

  • Design a bigger life than you imagined?
  • Embrace a new, better side of yourself?
  • Expand what’s possible and live bolder?

It's Time for You to 


Your untapped superpowers.


What’s already in you.


Your potential and possibilities. 


Your Experience  High-Level Hybrid -1:1 and Intimate Cohort Support

You will experience a hybrid model of high-level support with personalized attention and peer support. Both are needed for exponential growth and success. 

You get to take the time to learn more about yourself, cultivate what matters, get the feedback and celebrations you crave all while being supported at the highest level.

You will learn, connect and transform from home and with live interactions with me and my team. It’s not that you need help but it’s the accountability and personal support team you deserve to have.

The Hybrid Partnership Overview

On This Journey You Will Live Life 

[On Your Own Terms]

You will create and execute your personal blueprint to live abundantly in these three 4 major life categories:

Life Foundations
Life Experiences 
Life Progression 
Life Contribution

While journeying through 12 + areas of life:

Emotions & Well-Being 

 Health & Fitness 

Physical & Digital Space  

Adventure & Creativity

Spirituality/Inner Harmony+ 

Character & Identity 

Value & Purpose

Productivity & Habits

Social Life & Relationships


Community Impact & Influence

Career & Business 

Education & Skills

Money & Finances



  • Discover  how to play out fuller and bolder
  • Create harmony in the 12+ areas of life without sacrificing yourself
  • Shift your mindset and learn how to navigate through outdated beliefs, lack, scarcity, jealousy, abandonment, rejection, etc. …
  • Stop settling for less than you deserve or less than you’re worth
  • Attract more opportunities for advancement and connection
  • Transform and up-level YOU for a more dynamic and abundant life
  • Shine your light even brighter regardless who’s in the room 
  • Live with more impact, influence and income on purpose with a new vision and mission


Prepare to:

  • Discover what causes you to slow down and engage in self-sabotage when it’s time to leap

  • Unblock and address outdated beliefs so you can surpass where you’ve never gone before

  • Uncover a new level of confidence, clarity and courage

  • Unleash a new wave of energy, joy and inner peace

  • LAUGH, LIVE & LOVE out loud

Get Ready to


Release hidden negative thought patterns


Regain self-esteem & self-confidence at a higher level


Reclaim your power & protect it

let go

Let go of resentment of yourself and others


Embrace your brilliance and your breakdowns without shame


Approach life with gratitude and thanksgiving


Stop delaying happiness



Trust your instincts sooner, quicker, faster


Become non-negotiable about your life choices


Push past your limit lines (comfort zone)


Realize that you can play & live better, bigger and bolder regardless of where you are now


Reach significant, meaningful benchmarks  in life/career/business and more

It’s time to turbo-charge your life, business, career, new ventures! 

What it looks like to partner with me at this level

The Elite Thinking Partnership 


A Hybrid partnership with me to accelerate you to your next level of success and destiny

  • High Level Collaboration

  •  Live your purpose instead of always asking what is it? Create your legacy?

  • Do you want to explore what’s possible?


The greatest investment you’ll ever make is a commitment to your next level of success, impact, and influence. Every time I’ve expanded in my life, career, or business, it has been in partnership with a coach, teacher or mentor.

The Elite Expansion Experience 

Collaborative Process

Saying yes to one or more of these questions means that this deep-dive, intense and accelerated approach is for you.

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

What happens in this high-end, premium incubator?

You will have:


  • A North Star Elite Vision Mapping session
  • A Customize Life Plan


  • A Tailor-made life curriculum for your life plan
  • Luxe Quarterly Intensives


  • Monthly Premier Life Masterclasses
  • Tailored Private Platinum Check-ins


  • VIP Access to Luxury Retreat 
  • Premium Affirmations & Visualizations


  • Bi-weekly Q&A check-in sessions
  • Support calls when needed 


  • Feedback, strategies, recommended resources and action items.

You’ve risen to every challenge life has sent your way

- and succeeded with style

Now it’s time to EXPAND


You are an ambitious, powerful visionary.

Being ambitious and powerful has served you well. You’ve seen where you wanted to go and you got there. However, being ambitious can also cause overwhelm because you’re multi-passionate and you do so many things well. This often causes you to get stuck and stop taking risks. Deciding which path to take to reach higher can be a difficult choice to make.   

You experience success with “ease”.

You hide the battle scars of your success well. People look at you with admiration because you make success look easy. You move so quickly that you often feel guilty for not “struggling”. The interesting thing is that you don’t think you’re doing enough because your hard work doesn’t actually feel like “work”. You're often harder on yourself for this reason.   

You have internal struggles that begin to surface the higher you climb the external ladder of success.

Your “why”, core values, and commitments have started to shift or they no longer serve you. As a high-achiever, this is challenging because your internal motivation has served you up until this point. There is an internal conflict because the commitments you made then don’t really work for you now and you may feel like you’re betraying who you’ve come to know.

You get comfortable in the Zone of Excellence.

This is where you do the things you’re tremendously skilled at doing. You excel at things you’ve learned, practiced, or cultivated  and they may or may not excite you anymore. Believe it or not, this has started being comfortable for you. However, deep down, you know that there is more, which is your zone of genius.  Your 70% looks like someone else 150%. This is where you capitalize on your natural abilities and you start operating at a level of effortless exponential growth.  

You are a well oiled problem-solving machine.

You enjoy challenges and getting to the solution but this wonderful ability also causes you to subconsciously create unnecessary struggles and problems for you to solve. This is where problems in relationships, finances, business, health, etc. start showing up. You often want things to happen quickly, which leaves you frustrated with or struggling to focus on long-term goals.  

You are a self-proclaimed perfectionist.

The more success you have and the more money you make, the greater the influence and power you have, which all leads to greater pressure to keep up this level of success. It’s challenging for you to start something new or reach a higher level because you don’t want to fail. Actually, you don’t want to experience the potential embarrassment of appearing like a fraud or being incompetent. 

You are an idea-factory.

Because you’re brilliant and you love to solve problems, you come up with so many ideas you want to do in the future. You are multifaceted and you have the ability to take action. However, you don’t always stick to them because you don't take time to reflect or analyze your patterns. You have so many unfinished great ideas and wonder why you don’t close the loop. 

You don’t "need" help.

Shocking, I know but it’s true. You're amazing, talented, high-performing and high-producing. You've accomplished so many things and people are always amazed at the results you produce. You can do so many things on your own and you don’t need help. However, you want to feel supported but you’re missing your very own support team who aren’t intimidated by your greatness. 

You don’t get the “truth”.

The brighter you shine, the higher you rise, the more you become protective of your time, energy and space. You don’t open up to people as much and don’t always speak your truth because you don’t want to hurt  feelings. On the other hand, because you do great things in the world, most people are afraid to tell you what you need to hear the most. You don’t get the real feedback you desire to go even higher.


All of that changes when you partner with me and my team for

 [The Elite Expansion Experience]

This Journey is a:


Hands-on, partnership and strategic coaching experience for high-performers ready to step into their next season of alignment, destiny, creativity, and profit.


Monthly guided deep dives into exactly who you are, and what you want (and don’t want) in this life, so you can set a course for extraordinary growth.


Community and incubator for you to connect with similar-minded people on an ambitious journey who want to make their mark on the world.


Collective virtual classroom where you can get coached directly by Dr. Vernita — learn, be seen, and get your questions answered in real time.

What to Expect

At the end of our journey together, expect to:

  • Move out of stagnation and 'stuckness' , and start intentionally creating a life that utilizes your full potential.
  • Know your true, authentic self, your zone of genius, and your destiny at the deepest level. 
  •  See the path to your dreams clearly paved and start living in the reality of the possibility.
  • Stop sitting on the sidelines of greatness, and start living full out in the phenomenal every day.
  • Set bolder boundaries, take care of your energy and well-being, 

Expect More...

Yes, there is more to expect:

  • Take your earning potential to the next level, because you understand that when good people do well, they get to do more good in the world. .
  • Have a plan to serve the planet at your highest level for greater impact, influence and love. 
  • Feel energized and supported by a community and new potential partners who truly understand you and support what you want to build in the world.
  • Free yourself up to focus on the things and people that matter most to you.
  • Make your way to the 1000th floor of your potential, realize your position and feel like you’re ready to keep climbing to greater heights.


I'm [Dr. Vernita]

I’m Here for You!
The Elite Expansion Experience  was created with support structures to help you go deeper and really integrate all of the lessons to success in the 12+ areas of your life. We’re here to make sure you have everything you need to take bigger, bolder action, and get lasting results in your life, your relationships, and in your business.


Where you are, what you want more of and less of. What’s really missing for you? Who do you really want to be?


A life and a mission-based path  that is based on who you are becoming instead of a list of goals and “nice to have” accomplishments that will leave you empty and stuck.


The outdated beliefs, stories, scarcity mindset obstacles that no longer serve you - so you can begin to truly (and quickly) rise higher and go further in life.


On the real goals, desires, and deeper purpose you uncover in your quest through the journey of you and map out your plan to create your next expansive season.


Into the next level of your life, work, and relationships with the extraordinary momentum 

What's the process like?

Expansion is a [Head & Heart Connection]  

Revisit these areas of your life through a new lens.

Who is [This Elite Expansion Experience] for

  • High- & over- achievers who have a big mission, desire more and are ready to accelerate their success.
  • The ambitious person who is ready to move towards their dreams, accomplish more goals, and make a bigger impact in their world.
  • The dreamer who wants a more intentional life with the desire to live more authentically.
  • The person who is ready to take risks, seek adventure and ready to explore something they have never seen before.

Who is this Partnership [NOT] for

  • Someone who is not ready to do the inner work required to feel worthy of the life that awaits them.
  • The person looking for a quick-fix, one-size-fits-all approach to getting clients or business deals.
  • Someone looking for the ‘easy’ path or the ‘secret’ keys to success.
  • Anyone who wants to continue living the life they are currently in, with no need to move beyond their current environment or circumstances.
  • The individual who’s not willing to do the work.
  • You if you don’t take ownership of your actions and decisions.

 [Still Deciding?]

You’re not worried or scared of succeeding.

You’re worried and afraid of spending another year playing it safe, and not living the life you really want and deserve to live.

Achieve [desired outcome] now

The “Power of Playing Full Out” Agreement 

Show up and be ready to hold nothing back. I have learned that exponential expansion comes when you have nothing to prove, nothing to hide, nothing to defend and nothing to protect. This is a safe space and place for you to be vulnerable without regret. You will multiply your value when you show up and do the work this way. A true indicator is when you get that “OMG, what did I just say” moment at some point. If you don’t, you probably haven't pushed yourself. However, you get to go as far and share as much as you want.

The “300% Responsibility” Agreement

I’ve adopted this from several great coaches such as Rich, Lisa, Sean, Dr. Tracy and Marshawn. Great partnerships, mentoring and coaching relationships involve 300% Responsibility. This  300% Responsibility is how we approach this elite experience. On our side, we PROMISE you, that we will show up 150%. (That’s me, Dr. V —and my entire team.) We will hide nothing. We will hold nothing back. We will give you the most powerful, impactful, dynamic, life changing journey that you have ever experienced.

On YOUR side, we REQUIRE you to show up 150%. Hide nothing. Hold nothing back. Take radical action. Put fear in the backseat and move. Be vulnerable. Be open. Be authentic.Take risks. Mess up. Breakup with perfectionism. Allow yourself to feel the FAIL! Give yourself 1000 second chances and when you get to number 999 press reset again and again and again. 

My A's to Your Q's

I'm looking forward to talking with you. In the meantime, here are some frequently asked questions that I can answer now to ensure that we maximize our time during our conversation.

How long is the experience?

 The Elite Expansion Experience  - Thinking Partnership is a 12-month  hybrid 1:1 and cohort journey in total. 

Where does the 1:1 Hybrid Thinking Partnership journey take place?

This is a virtual experience with live components throughout the journey! There is an option to customize the live meet ups.

How is the Thinking partnership different from other courses, programs, or coaching?

This is neither a course, program, or typical coaching agreement. This is a “hybrid experience” that focuses on strategic partnership with my personal guidance and mentorship that will help you gain answers to the questions that help you go deeper and further in amplifying your authority and expanding your life and success to a world class level.

How much time do I need to commit?

While there is a framework and structure in place, you are the captain of your progress. Although I'm committed to stretch you beyond your comfort zone and help you push past your limit lines, I'm not here to stress you or drag you uphill. I want you to succeed and get all that you desire but I can’t want it more than you do.

What if I can’t make our live premium check-in calls?

You will. You already committed to put you first and you've been searching for this high-level support and partnership.

I’m really busy. What if I fall behind?

You won’t.  At this investment level, you will make time to do the work and ensure that you get an exponential return on your investment in YOU.

Will The Elite Expansion Experience work for me if I’m new to Professional/Business development and personal growth?

Absolutely! While the 1:1 Thinking Partnership is a more personalized experience, either option will be beneficial. We can have a conversation about both options. The self-work can take you to YOUR own next level. This is a journey that allows you to be exactly where you are and each time  we get together there will be something new to explore with yourself. We are always changing, so the self-work will be different each time. That’s why  the Q&A calls and the luxe intensives will be valuable on this journey.

Is the Elite Expansion Experience for all genders?

Yes. I do focus on women, however this experience is for all people who meet the criteria to work at this high, intense level.

I sometimes lose momentum. Is this experience for me?

For SURE! That’s why I’m here. With this high-touch, high-end 1:1 partnership,  you will get the support, accountability, motivation and inspiration you need to stay focused and keep the momentum. However, as I said before, I can’t want this new expansive life more than you do. 

Will this work if I’m outside of North America?

Definitely! This is a majority virtual experience that can accommodate our community all over the world. We will do our best to inform you about your live meet ups and retreats well in advance so you can plan accordingly.