
a bit about us

[The Prosperous Contentpreneur]

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Welcome to The

Boot Camp

For Wealth Builders

Transforming Your Expertise into Wealth


Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey that will transform you into a real-life superhero in just 10 weeks?

Imagine the possibilities 

You will...

Develop a mindset that knows no bounds, 

Speak with unwavering confidence, 

Share your personal experiences with authenticity, 

Create captivating videos that leave a lasting impression, and 

Plan your dreams with the strategic ability and skills of a mastermind.

Our 10-week bootcamp and 40-day lab are the keys to unlocking a life filled with joy and fulfillment. 

This is not just about launching a successful business; it's about redesigning your entire life into a masterpiece.

Picture yourself as the architect of your own dreams, a maestro of thought, a captivating speaker, a gifted writer, a creative content creator, and a strategist extraordinaire.

It's a Calling

Will you answer?

  • Imagine waking up each morning with a sense of purpose, ready to conquer challenges, embrace opportunities, and make a positive impact on the world.
  • So, are you ready to embark on this epic quest? Join us on this transformative journey, and let's make your future shine brighter than a thousand stars. 
  • Together, we will redefine what it means to live a remarkable life. Let the adventure begin!

This is not just an opportunity; it's a calling to create a life where every day is an adventure.

Calling all [aspiring, emerging & established] Entrepreneurs, parallel-preneurs, and business owners who are still struggling in certain areas!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the endless challenges of entrepreneurship and business growth? 

Are you tired of spinning your wheels, trying to find the elusive formula for success? 

You're not alone. 

Sound Familiar?

Many entrepreneurs and business owners  just like you are grappling with the same pain points and struggles every day!

Overwhelm and Burnout

Constantly juggling multiple tasks and wearing too many hats, leading to burnout and exhaustion.

Lack of Clarity and Direction

Feeling lost and uncertain about the next steps to take, resulting in indecision and paralysis.

Financial Struggles

Struggling to generate consistent income and make ends meet, leading to financial stress and uncertainty.

Mindset Blocks and Outdated Beliefs

Battling with self-doubt, perceived fraudulence (I don't like using “imposter syndrome”), and fear of failure/success, hindering personal and professional growth.

Inefficiency and Chaos

Dealing with disorganized systems and processes that hinder productivity and hinder business growth.

But fear not! The Prosperous Contentpreneur bootcamp is here to transform your struggles into triumphs and propel you towards entrepreneurial success like never before.

Here's how The [Prosperous Contentpreneur]

will revolutionize your business and your life:

Clarity and Focus:

Gain crystal-clear clarity and direction on your entrepreneurial journey, knowing exactly what steps to take to achieve your goals.

Financial Mastery:

Learn how to monetize your unique skills and expertise, creating multiple income streams and achieving financial abundance.

Mindset Mastery:

Overcome limiting  and outdated beliefs and cultivate a resilient, unstoppable mindset that empowers you to conquer any challenges.

Efficiency and Productivity

Implement efficient business systems that streamline operations, boost productivity, and drive exponential growth.

Strategic Planning:

Develop a strategic roadmap for success, setting achievable goals and milestones that propel you towards your vision.

Income Generation Strategies:

Discover proven strategies for generating sustainable income and building a profitable business model that stands the test of time.

Content Creation Excellence:

Master the art of creating impactful YouTube content that captivates your audience, builds your brand, and drives engagement.

Community and Support:

Gain access to ongoing support, resources, and networking opportunities to fuel your growth journey with fellow entrepreneurs and business owners who get you.

Say goodbye to overwhelm, uncertainty, and financial struggles.

Say hELLO to a future filled with limitless possibilities and untapped potential.

Enroll now in the Prosperous Contentpreneur bootcamp and unleash your inner visionary entrepreneur today!

I invested about $9000 in building my website, landing page, free offer, scheduling systems and more. However, when things went wrong I didn’t know where to start or what questions to ask the previous company. After working 1-on-1 with Dr. V in one area, I found the missing link to customer journey, I was able to redirect my free offer, I crafted a plan to create content from what I already had and I attracted more clients in less time compared to what I was doing before.

kevin goins

Pharmacist - speaker coach

We often forget what it’s like to meet ourselves for the first time or hear ourselves talk in other's perspective because we’re around ourselves all the time. I’m so glad you opened yourself up for this opportunity to work with me. You reminded me who I needed to listen to (ideal clients) and who I needed to ignore (people just wanting to throw out their opinions OR just not willing to receive yours.) I was taking so many notes. I’m glad I got the recording.

Sarah Garret

mompreneur - new born  sleep coach

I have Dr. V on “retainer”. I don’t need weekly coaching but I call her for advice, feedback and strategies to help me deal with all the other areas of my life. Dr. V knows when to tell me what I need to hear, tell me what I don’t want to hear, and she knows when to just listen. I am grateful for Dr. V’s insight on those hidden areas of my life because it has allowed me to make bigger and bolder decisions for my business and my own coaching clients.

Garri Davis

entrepreneur - Business coach

[envision this]: 

  • Unlocking Your Potential in just application10-weeks,
  • Mastering your mindset, 
  • Confidently expressing yourself, 
  • Weaving compelling narratives in your message through writing, 
  • Masterfully crafting business systems, and 
  • Conquering the art of creating impactful YouTube videos with a tailored content filming system. 

This exclusive 10-week boot camp + 40-day implementation lab is your gateway to this comprehensive transformation. 

Elevate your experience!

Elevate not just your business but your entire life. 

Aspire to be the visionary leader you're meant to be. 

Seize this opportunity to shape a future where success knows no bounds. 

Embark on a journey that goes beyond monetary measures.

Invaluable mastery

This experience promises a future where your newfound mastery becomes invaluable. 

  • Imagine building your own economy, 
  • Imagine creating your ecosystem, 
  • Imagine having authority in your voice, 
  • Imagine strategically automating your brilliance with business systems, and
  • Imagine crafting engaging videos seamlessly and authentically. 

Seize this opportunity to shape a future .

This isn't merely an investment; it's a commitment to a life where rewards surpass any numerical value. 

Seize the opportunity to redefine your trajectory and experience an immeasurable transformation.

Ready to redefine your journey? Join now!  

boot camp

for wealth builders

You'll learn:

Mindset Mastery, Skillset Enhancement, Integrated Success Strategies, and a thriving community of high achievers.  Let's break down the significance of each skill:


Writing Skills: Effective communication  and crafting messages. Example: Crafting compelling articles, emails, or marketing content.


Speaking Skills: Articulating ideas persuasively in various settings. Example: Delivering impactful presentations, speeches, or sales pitches.


Teaching/Facilitator Skills: Designing and delivering effective training programs. Example: Conducting workshops or educational sessions that captivate and educate.


Digital Content Creating Skills: Crafting and organizing engaging content on social media platforms with alignment and authenticity. Example: Getting visible without burning out.


Business Systematization Skills: Implementing efficient systems for business operations. Example: Developing streamlined processes to enhance productivity and scalability.

This is how it works

Remember that none of this will work without belief in yourself and the power of shifting your mind by moving from a fixed mindset to operating with empowered beliefs

We will be working on each skillset in phases with mindshifting work weaved throughout.


Phase 0.

Mindshifting Goal Recalibration - Gain clarity about your vision, goals and desires at a deeper level. 

Understand the power of mindset in achieving success. Identify and overcome limiting/outdated beliefs. Techniques to boost confidence and self-belief. Strategies for overcoming “fraud”syndrome.


Phase 1.

Mindshifting Time Optimization -  Uncover the hidden time wasters and energy suckers. Create solid boundaries through scheduling, daily habits and productivity techniques. Learn strategies to focus on highest-value producing and income generating activities. 


phase 2.

Mindshifting Writing -

Develop proficiency in professional writing. Master the art of crafting persuasive emails, proposals, and content. Explore content creation techniques for blogs, social media, and marketing materials. Learn how to create valuable content that resonates with your audience.


phase 3.

Mindshifting Speaking -

Learn how to articulate ideas with clarity and impact. Practice active listening and empathy. Craft compelling narratives to engage and inspire. Understand the elements of storytelling for business success.


Phase 4.

Mindshifting Teaching/Facilitation

Create and sell online courses, workshops, and training programs if that’s your desire. Foster deeper connections with current and future students. Design pathways to consulting opportunities, leading to additional income streams.


Phase 5.

Mindshifting Business Systems -

Understand the importance of systems in business. Identify areas for system implementation in your business. Learn how to design and implement efficient business systems. Automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes.



phase 6.

Mindshifting Showcasing/Broadcasting -

Understand the fundamentals of creating engaging videos. Learn about equipment, lighting, and sound. Develop a tailored content filming system for video platforms. Plan, shoot, and edit videos effectively.


phase 7.

Extension Training: Brilliant Branding

Define your personal brand identity and values. Create a compelling brand story. Develop a branding strategy to amplify your presence. Implement branding across various platforms


Phase 8.

Extension Training: Sustaining Your Ecosystem & Economy-

Lean how to maintain your financial turnaround. Practicing stewardship and generosity in wealth management. Aligning financial goals with spiritual values.


Phase 9.

Expanded Integration & Feedback

Apply the skills and strategies learned throughout the program. Receive feedback, guidance, and support from coaches and peers


phase 10.

Expanded Application -

Develop a next steps strategic plan for business growth goals, objectives, and action steps.


phase 11.

Implementation Lab

Execute strategic plans effectively. Monitor progress and adjust strategies as needed.

Your Tuition Option

This is not just an expense; it's an investment in your limitless potential.

VIP Path: Best Option

  • PIF Bonus -  2 VIP 1:1 Calls (1) with me and (1) custom guess expert based on need ($3500 value)
  • The Accerlated Mindshifting Eco-preneurial experience ($75,000 value)
  • Digital Documents Workbooks, checklists, cheatsheets + recordings of all lectures and calls ($5,000 value)
  • Weekly Office Hours/Q&A Sessions  ($7,800 Value)
  • Digital Lab Access to the Student Lounge Community ($1000 value)


General Path

  • The Accelerated Mindshifting Ecopreneurial experience ($75,000 value)
  • Access to Digital Resources         ($5,000 value)
  • Weekly Office Hours/Q&A Sessions  ($7,800 Value)
  • Access to Digital Student Lounge Community  ($1000 value)
  • 3-Pay Installment Plan



About [Vernita's Why]

You will learn from my personal coaches through me wrapped in my knowledge and expertise for a fraction of what I invested. I personally invested about $300k in my personal and professional growth by way of traditional education and coaching. During this time I focused on developing and enhancing skills in writing, speaking, teaching, digital content creating and business systematization. I have seen how learning how to integrate these skills have had a positive impact on my life but most importantly, I've see how having the right mindset, skillset, and toolset has significantly increased the income, impact, and influence of my clients and other who have incorporated these techniques to create their own ecosystem and building their own economy by turning their expertise into wealth.

"I believe this wealth building bootcamp reflects the immense value you will gain through—mindset mastery, skillset enhancement, integrated success strategies, and a supportive community. This is not just an expense; it's an investment in your limitless potential."

Vernita Glenn-White, Ph.D.

more client encounters

I've always invested in my professional development through conferences and workshops but never thought about investing in my personal development. I read self-help books and watched videos but I knew I needed something on a deeper level. I was struggling with some professional decisions about my next level and I knew that I wanted to do more than being a professor. Dr. V helped me get clear on starting my business, writing my book and realizing my calling to mentor young girls.  I was so focused on my career that I forgot about all the other gifts I had to offer.

dr. kim harrell

professor - speech consultant

I wanted to speak at an event for an organization but they did not have the budget to accommodate my fee. The event planner was about to cancel and move on to another speaker.  Dr. V gave me an outline of how to respond while still standing firm on my fee. She also suggested ways to increase the value by focusing on non-monetary currency. The event planner was shocked by my response and I was able to increase the original quoted price by 4x. While that still wasn’t enough to cover my fee, the working relationship was saved, I walked away with amazing value, and I was in front of my ideal client.

dr. barbar Swinney

leadership coach 

Got Questions?

My A's to Qs

Where Does The Bootcamp Take Place?

This is a virtual experience.

What is an open enrollment?

As of now, we do not have an official "launch date" or completion date. You get to start from the beginning at anytime and work through the boot camp through the 10/40 model. You get to hear from people who are ahead of you or you may be the first. Once you reach the end we say farewell or we can chat about next steps.


How Is The Bootcamp Experience Different From Other Course, Programs, or Coaching?

While there is an overall framework, this is a “hybrid experience” that focuses on customized strategies based on the needs and desires of the cohort/group.  My personal mentorship along with the collective expertise of the group will help you gain answers to the questions that  you need for your next best steps towards world-class success..

I Sometimes Lose Momentum. Is This Bootcamp For Me?

For SURE! That’s why I’m here. With this high-touch, high-end partnership,  you will get the support, accountability, motivation and inspiration you need to stay focused and keep the momentum. However, I can’t want this new expansive life more than you do.


How Much Time Do I Need To Commit?

We have 10 working weeks with 40-days of implementation. This is more than enough time for you to catch up and complete your tasks. You are the captain of your progress. Although I'm committed to stretch you beyond your comfort zone and help you push past your limit lines, I'm not here to stress you. I want you to succeed and get all that you desire but there is a level of personal responsibility. We will work on creating your time optimization plan to find the dedicated time you need to succeed.


What If I Can't Make All The Calls?

You will. You already committed to put you first and you've been searching for this high-level support and partnership. The sessions will be recorded but you need to make time to sit and watch them as if you were live.


Do you Guarantee Results?

We are not allowed to guarantee results because we don't know how you will show up or we won't know your work ethic until you join. However, we do guarantee that we will show up 150% to give you everything we have in the bootcamp


I'm Really Busy. What If I Fall Behind?

If you are already thinking like this, DO NOT JOIN!

 That is the wrong question to ask but I understand. At this investment level, you will make time to do the work and ensure that you get an exponential return on your investment in YOU. We make time for what we and the same applies here.