New Book

Stop Making the Career, Business and Life Mistakes that are Keeping You From Living the Abundant, Powerful, and FulFilling Life You Were Born to Live.

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Success Loves INTENTIONAL Speed

An inspirational and TAKE ACTION guide for the high- and at times, over-achievers ready to stop hiding and ignoring all those hidden actions and struggles that got you where you are today and start embracing those accolades, acknowledgements, and awards. You are a big deal and don't you forget it.             

+ It's for the woman who feels 'lopsided': heavy on the professional side and lacking on the personal side.

+ It's for the go-getter who may have lost her voice trying to fit in while moving up the ladder and wants  it back.

+ It's for the visionary who knows that she has more to offer the company, her community, and the world but doesn't know where to start. 

+ It's for the "responsible one" who has a plan for her career but can't seem to make or follow a plan for her health, wellness, finances, Spirituality, or relationships.

+ It's for the overwhelmed, over-achieving perfectionists like me who says she believes in God but trusts more in her own intellect and performance.

This Book Will Help You Elevate & Transform Your Life As You... 

Discover the Pathway to Possibilities to create more income, impact and influence to live the full life you were created to live and change the lives you were destined to change.

What others are saying about Vernita...

The Power of Self-Investing 

I've invested thousands of dollars attending private masterminds and retreats with high-level and well known coaches to learn the secrets of truly winning at life. I've turned those skills into practical strategies that clients have paid thousands f of dollars to work with me to transform multiple areas of their lives.  

This Book is the EXACT information I would share with you if you partnered with me for a VIP day or laser coaching session .

The only difference is that 2 hours of intensive coaching from me costs $10000. This ebook ONLY costs $30.

You also get the extended workbook edition and video training course only available here! 

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Get Embracing Grit for Greatness now while it's still available from a variety of retailers in both paperback and Ebook options. 

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Ebook only $30

Special Bonus Offer - extended workbook & video training course  - (value $197)

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