The 1% Edge: Small Shifts, Big Wins in Year-End Goals


As the year approaches its end, the pressure to achieve last-minute goals can be intense. While the temptation may be to seek drastic measures, the secret to success often lies in the art of small, intentional shifts. In this article post, we’ll explore the concept of the 1% edge and how embracing small changes can lead to significant and sustainable wins.  I’m all for quantum leaps but many of us are still falling through the cracks on the way to our goals and dreams and it’s time to rebuild a stronger foundation.

Thinking about your year-end goals can be overwhelming, often leading to a scramble for dramatic and impulsive solutions. Could it be that instead of grand gestures, it’s the consistent, small improvements that make a lasting impact? Yes. The good news is that there is still time to laser focus and be consistent to get results. 

Talk About It:

Studies in behavioral psychology suggest that small, consistent changes are more likely to result in long-term habit formation compared to radical transformations. I would also add that while radical transformations are amazing and make us feel incredible, they aren’t sustainable over long periods of time. There are a plethora of stories of individuals who, in the eleventh hour, embraced the 1% edge and achieved remarkable results. In a previous post, I invited you to think of someone you know with certain qualities but I’m going to share an example of a popular person since we’re talking about habits. 

Consider the case of bestselling author James Clear, who advocates for the power of tiny habits. By focusing on small changes and staying consistent, Clear transformed his daily routine, leading to the completion of a book that has impacted millions worldwide. I know it can sound like a slow and painful process but you already incorporate tiny habits into your daily life. The key is to shift the types of tiny habits that move you closer to your goals. 

I have personally witnessed major shifts in my life when faced with time constraints at the end of the year and I strategically implemented small shifts including mental shifts to achieve remarkable results. I know you can do this too.  If you think long enough, you will discover that you have done this at some point in your life, which means, you can do it again and again. While we have a few weeks remaining in 2023, I invite you to: 

  1. Identify one specific area for improvement.
  2. Shift your thoughts about why you haven’t achieved the results to believing that you can.
  3. Break the area down into small, manageable steps.
  4. Track your progress on each tiny step.
  5. Celebrate!

Final Words:

As you strive for those final victories of the year, remember that success doesn’t always demand grand gestures. Embrace the power of the 1% edge, knowing that small, intentional shifts can lead to significant and sustainable wins.  This approach not only increases the likelihood of success but also enhances the sustainability of behavioral changes and sets you up for an incredible 2024.

Keep it Tiny. Until next time, 


Vernita Glenn-White, Ph.D.

NOTE – whenever you’re ready- here are more ways you can drastically increase abundance (impact, influence and income) in every area of your life:

  1. Enjoy Coach-Giving with our Holiday Coaching Offers
  2. Let’s have a Curious Connection Call 
  3. Grab a copy of my book Embracing Grit for Greatness to see how you can make the shift to Courage over Clarity to achieve your goals and transform your life.
  4. Check out this complimentary resource the Millionaire Mind-Shift Assessment

Disclaimer All links in the article post are only for extended reading and quick notes about a topic.We are in no way affiliated with these sources unless otherwise noted.

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