HOW TO SET GOALS: The Ultimate Guide for High Achievers & Over thinkers Pt. 3

Today we’re going to talk about how to have the mental endurance to achieve your goals

We’re continuing our goal setting series for overthinkers and high achievers. This is part 3. Be sure to check out parts 1 and 2 where we’ve talked about courage and telling the truth from the previous posts or videos.

In case you can’t wait on the next video or read the next post here are the overall steps:

  • Have courage to admit what you want
  • Be detailed oriented about what you want
  • Have endurance and don’t give up
  • Be resilient 
  • Focus on perfection 

Have you ever seen people who look really strong but still get short of breath if they have to run or do some sort of cardio? That’s because they have big muscles but they haven’t worked on their endurance. It’s the same with your goals. You have a nice vision board, you decorated the planner, you have the latest productivity software, all the color codes but you don’t stick to your goals until the end of the year. 

Most people stick with their goals for  30 days  but then they give up if they don’t see any results.

Then there are some who can make it for 90 days but then they give up too.

Is that you?

If so, this is because you are focusing on the end result instead of the progress you are making along the way. This is connected to being detail oriented like I mentioned in the previous video and post.

Here are five (5) tips to keep you on track beyond the 30 to 90 day slump

  1. Chart out the benchmarks so you can see how far you have to go – think of the plan of study or the syllabus in college .
  2. Physically mark off what you do everyday.
  3. Celebrate yourself with mini accomplishments to acknowledge that you are still making progress. The brain likes rewards but waiting until the end is too late. Your celebrations don’t have to be fancy unless you want them to be!
  4. Find an accountability partner, a mastermind community or a coach. Something that will make you showcase your results periodically. Again think of school when you had to show homework or take a test.
  5. Remember that you’ve accomplished long-term goals before…One more time, think about school or the journey to a promotion. 

I would love to hear from you tell me your best tip or which one of my tips resonated with you.

NOTE – When you’re ready –

  1. Book a curious connection call with me.
  2. Watch the full video of Episode 3 here
  3. Grab a copy of my latest book.

You can always continue to watch my videos and follow me on all social media platforms. 

I believe we can heal the nation through education and transformation but it starts with your own healing first. I honor you and I love you.

Remember the world needs you to Be Well. Be Empowered. Be Bold. Be Brilliant.

Until next time,

~Dr. V

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