
Mastering the Art of Execution: Lessons from the Olympics on Achieving Peak Performance

Are you setting goals but not hitting the mark? Stuck in a frustrating cycle where your ambitions remain just out of reach? It’s time to shift your focus from mere goal setting to mastering the art of execution. 

This post serves as notes and self-reflective questions to the corresponding vidcast here

In this post, we’ll draw inspiration from a remarkable Olympic story that illustrates how the right mindset and strategic execution can propel you to peak performance.

The Power of Intention: Kristen Faulkner’s Olympic Triumph

Consider Kristen Faulkner, the U.S. cyclist who clinched gold in the road race, stunning the world and upsetting the favored competitors. What’s incredible about Kristen’s story is that she wasn’t always a cyclist. In fact, she was a venture capitalist who discovered her love for cycling after taking a spin class in Central Park. From there, she didn’t just set a goal—she set an intention to compete in the Olympics.

Kristen’s journey wasn’t just about the end goal of winning gold. It was about embodying the identity of an Olympian every single day, from the moment she set that intention. She didn’t just dream of the Olympics; she made it her reality by aligning her daily actions with that vision. Her story is a powerful reminder that setting intentions and executing on them can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Execution Over Goal Setting: Why It Matters

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of setting goals. We create vision boards, write down our aspirations, and dream big. But here’s the thing: goals alone won’t get you where you want to go. It’s the intention behind those goals and the consistent, focused execution that makes all the difference.

Kristen Faulkner didn’t just aim to participate in the Olympics—she embodied the mindset, the discipline, and the daily practices of an Olympian long before she ever stepped onto the track. This is where many of us falter. We set goals, but we don’t fully commit to the execution. We don’t become the person who can achieve those goals.

The Role of Identity in Achieving Your Goals

Success isn’t just about what you do; it’s about who you become in the process. Kristen didn’t just train to ride a bike; she trained to be an Olympian. She set her intentions, worked with a coach to refine her strategies, and showed up every day as the person who was capable of winning gold. This is a key lesson for anyone striving for peak performance: you must become the person who can achieve your goals.

This shift in identity is crucial. If you’ve been carrying the same goals for years without reaching them, it’s time to ask yourself: Have you become the person who can achieve those goals? Are your daily actions, habits, and mindset aligned with the results you want?

Realistic Yet Ambitious: Setting the Right Intentions

When setting intentions, it’s important to strike a balance between being ambitious and being realistic. While it’s important to dream big, you also need to ensure that your goals are attainable given your current situation. This doesn’t mean setting limitations on yourself; rather, it’s about setting intentions that push you to grow while remaining within the realm of possibility.

For instance, if you’re new to sales, setting an intention to have million-dollar days might be unrealistic right out of the gate. However, aiming for $10,000 days as a starting point is both ambitious and realistic. As you achieve smaller milestones, your confidence and capability will grow, allowing you to set even bigger intentions.

The Importance of Structure and Coaching

Achieving peak performance requires more than just motivation—it requires structure and accountability. Kristen Faulkner didn’t reach the Olympics by winging it; she followed a structured training regimen and worked closely with her coach. The same applies to you. Whether in business or life, having a structured plan and a coach to guide you can make all the difference.

A good coach provides more than just advice; they offer insights, strategies, and feedback that help you fine-tune your execution. They hold you accountable, ensuring that you’re not just checking off tasks but performing at the level required to achieve your goals.

Action Steps to Elevate Your Execution

1. Collaborate with a Coach: Work with someone who can help you set strategic, smart intentions and keep you accountable.

2. Focus on Identity: Shift your focus from what you want to achieve to who you need to become to achieve it.

3. Prioritize Inputs: Concentrate on the daily actions within your control rather than obsessing over the final outcome.

4. Execute with Full Faith: Believe in yourself and your abilities. Show up every day with the expectation that you will achieve your goals.

5. Review and Adjust: Don’t change your goals if progress is slow. Instead, refine your execution strategy.

Final Thoughts

Achieving peak performance isn’t just about setting goals; it’s about setting intentions and executing them with precision. It’s about becoming the person who can achieve those goals and committing to the daily actions that will get you there. So, take a page from Kristen Faulkner’s playbook. Set your intentions, commit to the execution, and watch as you reach new heights in your performance. 

Let me know what stood out to you from this story and how you plan to apply these lessons to your own journey towards peak performance. Remember, it’s not just about setting goals—it’s about mastering the art of execution.

Until Next Time, Embrace Your Brilliance


The Brilliant Solutionist 

NOTE – whenever you’re ready- here are more ways to start getting an ROI on your education and experiences to have more impact, influence and income in every area of your life:

  1. * Grab a copy of my book Embracing Grit for Greatness to see how you can make the shift to Courage over Clarity to achieve your goals and transform your life, career and business.
  2. * Take a deeper dive into the 4-Zones of Personal Leadership – Master Coach You!
  3. * Attend our limited edition pre-recorded complimentary summit the  3R Curated Virtual Expo  and prepare to move from Résumé to Reinvention to Remarkable!
  4. * Book a What’s Next Now Call with my team  Curious Connection Call 

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