
Optimizing Physical and Mental Well-Being: The Secret to Sustained Success

Are stress and poor health holding you back from achieving your goals? Imagine how optimizing your physical and mental well-being could catapult your overall success and happiness. 

This post serves as notes and self-reflective questions to the corresponding vidcast here

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s crucial for those striving to perform at the highest levels: optimizing your health to boost performance. We’re drawing inspiration from Olympic athletes who embody excellence not just in their skill sets, but in their physical and mental well-being. As you pursue your own version of Olympic-level success in your career or business, this lesson is particularly critical.

The Cost of Pushing Through

When we think of Olympic-level athletes, we often focus on their physical prowess and technical skills. However, it’s essential to remember that these athletes also prioritize their health, both physical and mental. Consider Shericka Jackson, a favorite to medal at the Olympics. Despite her status, she made the difficult decision to withdraw from one event and pull back in another. Why? Because her body told her not to push it. 

Shericka was healthy enough to compete but recognized the long-term risk of pushing through pain. She chose to prioritize her health over the immediate glory of winning a medal. This decision likely preserved her ability to compete in future events and maintain her overall well-being. This is a critical lesson for anyone chasing success—sometimes, the best move is to step back, even if it means sacrificing a short-term goal for long-term sustainability.

The Mental Game: Knowing When to Walk Away

The importance of mental well-being is just as critical, if not more so, in high-stakes environments. Take the example of Angela Carini, a female boxer who chose to withdraw from a match against an opponent who was thought to be transgenered but later it was discovered that she had an extra chromosome. Some sources say that she’s considered intersex. Regardless of opinions on the fairness of the competition, Angela’s decision was rooted in her concern for her physical safety and mental well-being. 

This decision wasn’t a cop-out; it was a courageous act of self-preservation. It’s easy to say you’ll push through, but the real strength lies in knowing when to step back for the sake of your health. Angela’s choice underscores the importance of being in tune with your mental and physical limits and respecting them, even in the face of significant pressure.

The Fine Line Between Cop-Out and Smart Decision

As you pursue your goals, you may encounter situations where you’ll need to decide whether to push through or step back. It’s a fine line. Pushing too hard can lead to burnout, while stepping back too soon can feel like a missed opportunity. This is where the guidance of a coach/mentor/advisor/strategist (CMAS) becomes invaluable. They help you navigate these tough decisions, ensuring you don’t cop out prematurely but also don’t push yourself to the point of breaking.

Reflecting on my own experiences, I recall a situation in graduate school where I had the opportunity to earn a significant amount of money working with a professor over the summer. However, the mental and emotional toll of the environment wasn’t worth the financial gain. I chose to walk away, prioritizing my mental well-being over the money. While it was a struggle, I have no regrets. That decision preserved my sanity and dignity, and in the long run, it was the best choice for my overall health.

Action Steps for Optimizing Your Well-Being

To truly optimize your physical and mental well-being, here are some steps you can take:

1. Listen to Your Body: Just as Shericka Jackson did, pay attention to what your body is telling you. Pushing through pain can sometimes cause more harm than good.

2. Prioritize Mental Health: Like Angela Carini, recognize when your mental well-being is at risk and take steps to protect it, even if it means walking away from an opportunity.

3. Seek External Counsel: Don’t make these decisions in isolation. A CMAS can provide invaluable perspective and help you distinguish between a cop-out and a smart decision.

4. Tune Out Unqualified Advice: Be cautious about advice from well-meaning family or friends. They may not always understand the nuances of your situation and could lead you in the wrong direction.

5. Prepare for Your Next Leap: Sometimes, stepping back is necessary to prepare for your next big move. Don’t see it as a setback, but as a strategic pause to ensure you’re ready for the challenges ahead.

As you continue to pursue excellence, remember that optimizing your physical and mental well-being is not just about avoiding burnout; it’s about setting yourself up for sustained success. Sometimes, the most powerful move you can make is to take a step back, reassess, and then leap forward with renewed strength and clarity.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to register for my limited edition  virtual expo, From Resume to Reinvention to Remarkable: How to Shift from an Employee Mindset to an Entrepreneurial Way of Thinking with Ease. While it’s pre-recorded, I encourage you to sign up for the VIP option, which includes a limited series of  group sessions where we can discuss your game plan and ensure you’re ready to execute it with precision. Let’s make sure you’re not just collecting information, but actively preparing for your next quantum leap.

Until Next Time – Embrace Your Brilliance 


The Brilliant Solutionist 

NOTE – whenever you’re ready- here are more ways to start getting an ROI on your education and experiences to have more impact, influence and income in every area of your life:

  • * Grab a copy of my book Embracing Grit for Greatness to see how you can make the shift to Courage over Clarity to achieve your goals and transform your life, career and business.
  • * Take a deeper dive into the 4-Zones of Personal Leadership – Master Coach You!
  • * Attend our limited edition pre-recorded complimentary summit the  3R Curated Virtual Expo  and prepare to move from Résumé to Reinvention to Remarkable!
  • * Book a What’s Next Now Call with my team  Curious Connection Call 

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