How to Hire a Life Coach: For Career Professionals and Aspiring Entrepreneurs

It feels like everyone is either trying to be a life coach or telling you that you should be a life coach but is anyone telling you how to hire one and why? In this video I share what to look for when deciding you want to hire a life coach. Truth is, you don’t need one. Yep, you read that correctly, you don’t NEED a life coach or any type of coach,  but did you know that the most extraordinary people on the planet have one (or three)? Oprah has about 7 on rotation and even Tony Robbins has life and business coaches and he has been a coach for several United States Presidents.

What is a life coach? – Think about it like this, every sport, even academic competitions have coaches. Life is the ultimate game and if you want to win, you need to figure out your own personal playbook and you shouldn’t do it alone. Coaches help you see blind spots, motivate you, push you, give your strategy to avoid pitfalls and most importantly, they ask you powerful questions that you didn’t know you needed to answer for yourself. 

A life coach is NOT a therapist just like a business coach or money coach isn’t a substitute for a CPA or Tax strategist and fitness coach isn’t a substitute for a medical doctor.  This is why the sports references are powerful. Players have coaches but they also have other professionals in their circle. 

Some people often ask about the difference between a life coach and an executive coach. A life coach deals with who you BE, who you are at your core, and helps you master your mind and focus on why you do or don’t do certain things. An executive coach focuses on what you do like your career and business and how to elevate those areas. There is some life coaching there but it’s often secondary.  Some coaches are intentional and can do both. (*ahem like me 😀).

Here are six (6) things to look for when considering hiring your first or next life coach.

  1. READ their website, not just what they put on social media.
  2. Watch videos on YouTube or lives on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.
  3. Sign up for a free call that focuses on a sample session not just an upsell
  4. Attend a challenge or some event to get a feel of their teaching/coaching style
  5. Go for the highest level of support possible if you can (don’t always settle for the free)
  6. See what their life was like BEFORE they became a coach. Many of them were successful in their careers or other businesses and they will be again. However, there could be a lot of factors as to why they don’t have a massive presence online just yet. This is the best time to get their best and highest support…before they become super booked and busy.

Watch the full video here from my YouTube Channel

I would love to hear from you tell me your best tip or which one of my tips resonated with you. Reply to a comment on my video or post.

NOTE- When you’re ready:

  1. Book a curious connection call with me.
  2. Check out this YouTube playlist to hear from others talk about their experiences with coaches.
  3. Grab a copy of my latest book Embracing Grit for Greatness for more tips and strategies for taking your next steps.

You can always continue to watch my videos and follow me on all social media platforms. 

I believe we can heal the nation through education and transformation but it starts with your own healing first. I honor you and I love you.

Remember the world needs you to Be Well. Be Empowered. Be Bold. Be Brilliant.

Until next time,

~Dr. V

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