HOW TO SET GOALS: The Ultimate Guide for High Achievers & Over thinkers Pt. 2

We’re continuing our goal setting series for overthinkers and high achievers. Be sure to check out the previous article and video. In this video I go into more detail by asking the question – Have you been telling the truth about your goals?

In case you can’t wait on the next video or read the next post here are the overall steps:

  • Have courage to admit what you want
  • Be detailed oriented about what you want
  • Have endurance and don’t give up
  • Be resilient 
  • Focus on perfection 

After you have the courage to admit your goal, you have to tell the truth about why you haven’t accomplished it. This is for the goal(s) that have been placed on your vision board or in your planner year after year. Your secret BHAG (big hairy audacious goal).

Here are 5 things to consider:

  1. Be honest: Do you still want the goal? 
  2. What has been holding you back? You may not have all the answers but you know something. This is where a coach/advisor can support you.
  3. After  the negative head chatter is cleared up then you have to decide to show up for your goal from your future self.
  4. Now it’s time to think through the details of your plan. I know a lot of gurus say not to focus on the how but that’s in the beginning, you HAVE to have a how to know what steps to take and how to build your daily routines. It’s the daily habits that accomplish goals, not having the goals posted on a vision board or in a planner.
  5. Be consistent at least 85% of the time.

I would love to hear from you tell me your best tip or which one of my tips resonated with you.

NOTE: Whenever you’re ready –

  1. Book a curious connection call with me
  2. Check out Episode 2 for the full video
  3. Learn more about my new book here.

You can always continue to watch my videos and follow me on all social media platforms. 

I believe we can heal the nation through education and transformation but it starts with your own healing first. I honor you and I love you.

Remember the world needs you to Be Well. Be Empowered. Be Bold. Be Brilliant.

Until next time,

~Dr. V

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