
Sustaining Motivation: Lessons from Olympic Athletes to Keep You Winning

Are you struggling to stay motivated and find meaning in your work? What if you could transform both your personal and professional life by sustaining an unwavering passion and purpose? Today, we’re diving into the importance of sustained motivation and how cultivating long-term passion and purpose can keep you on a winning path, inspired by the dedication of Olympic athletes.

This post serves as notes and self-reflective questions to the corresponding vidcast here

Whether you’re reading this during the Olympic Games or long after, the lessons we can learn from these elite performers are timeless. Here’s how you can apply these insights to your journey, along with some action steps to help you stay motivated and achieve your personal best.

Not Every Olympian is There to Win Gold—And That’s Okay

One of the most intriguing perspectives I heard from an Olympic commentator is that not every athlete attends the Games with the sole goal of winning a medal. At first, this struck me as odd. After all, isn’t everyone there to go for gold? But the truth is, athletes have diverse reasons for competing. Some aim for the overall experience, to simply say they made it to the Olympics. Others strive to beat their personal or seasonal bests, while some are there to break national records or bring recognition to their countries.

This concept resonates deeply with business and personal development. Not everyone starts a business with the goal of building a billion-dollar empire. Some are focused on creating a sustainable income that supports their lifestyle and allows them to contribute to their communities. It’s essential to define your own goals and understand that they don’t have to mirror someone else’s.

The Importance of Doing Your Personal Best

In business and in life, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison, especially when we’re bombarded with messages like, “It’s embarrassing to make less than $400,000 a year.” But the reality is, your journey is your own. If your goal is to build a $10 million business, go for it. But don’t feel ashamed if you don’t hit that target in your first year. The key is to always strive for your personal best, whether that’s in your career, relationships, or creative endeavors.

Just as athletes have their seasons, we all have times when we need to focus on different areas of our lives. You may not achieve your ultimate dream in three months or even five years, but as long as you’re tracking your progress and staying true to your goals, you’re on the right path.

Why Sustained Motivation is Key

Studies have shown that the effects of motivational speakers and other external motivators often last only 45 to 90 days. This is why it’s crucial to cultivate internal motivation. Olympic athletes don’t just rely on external factors to stay driven—they build structures around themselves, like coaches and support systems, to keep pushing forward even when the initial excitement fades.

Similarly, in your personal and professional life, it’s important to invest in a coach, mentor, consultant, or strategist. These professionals help you identify and align with your personal and professional passions, ensuring that when the external motivation wears off, your internal drive remains strong.

The Role of a Coach/Mentor/Advisor  in Your Success

You can achieve great things on your own, but to reach phenomenal heights, a coach or mentor is essential. Take the example of a U.S. athlete who coached himself all the way to the Olympics. While he made it to the final rounds, he didn’t win. Imagine how much more he could have achieved with the guidance of a skilled coach who could have fine-tuned his performance.

A coach isn’t just an accountability partner—they are there to help you refine your goals, stay aligned with your passions, and reignite your drive during tough times. The most successful people, whether they’re athletes or business leaders, aren’t magical snowflakes. They’ve simply mastered the art of enduring tough times and staying focused on their long-term vision.

Finding Your True Vision

One of the biggest challenges people face is giving up too soon on their passions. I believe this is due to a  lack of a true vision. If you find yourself losing interest, it might not be your true passion, or you might be following a path that doesn’t quite fit you. A great coach can help you uncover your true vision and create a safe space for you to explore it fully. Once you’ve found it, you’ll be on fire—and when that fire starts to dim, your coach will be there to reignite it.

Final Thoughts: Stay Motivated, Stay Winning

In the end, sustaining motivation is about more than just feeling inspired in the moment. It’s about aligning with your true passions, setting meaningful goals, and surrounding yourself with the right support system to keep you on track. Whether your goal is to build a successful business, improve your health, or leave a lasting legacy, the lessons we can learn from Olympic athletes are clear: Focus on your personal best, invest in the right support, and keep your long-term vision in sight.

So, as you continue on your journey, remember to find a coach who can help you not just learn a skill set, but also align with your deeper passions. This is the key to staying motivated and winning in the long run.

Are you ready to take the next step? Join our From Resume to Reinvention to Remarkable virtual expo and explore our Master Coach program for ongoing learning and support. 

Let’s turn your vision into passion and into a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.

Until Next Time – Embrace Your Brilliance, 


The Brilliant Solutionist 

NOTE – whenever you’re ready- here are more ways to start getting an ROI on your education and experiences to have more impact, influence and income in every area of your life:

  • * Grab a copy of my book Embracing Grit for Greatness to see how you can make the shift to Courage over Clarity to achieve your goals and transform your life, career and business.
  • * Take a deeper dive into the 4-Zones of Personal Leadership – Master Coach You!
  • * Attend our limited edition pre-recorded complimentary summit the  3R Curated Virtual Expo  and prepare to move from Résumé to Reinvention to Remarkable!
  • * Book a What’s Next Now Call with my team  Curious Connection Call 

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